Ensuring the effective use of the federal immovable property complex, which is under the economic jurisdiction of GlavUpDK under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Russia, with a view to fulfilling the enterprise’s the statutory tasks for accommodating diplomatic missions and consular offices of foreign states, representative offices of international organizations, mass media outlets, foreign, Russian commercial entities. This includes the provision of technical and cadastral registration of real estate items, organization of the work for real estate evaluation and insurance, organization of open auctions for the right to conclude lease contracts for real estate objects (buildings, residential and non-residential premises), conclusion and maintenance of lease agreements, ensuring state registration of lease contracts.
Execution of functions as a tecnical client for engineering, structures, reconstruction, restoration and capital repair of buildings and other constructions. Engineering services for foreign missions and Russian companies.
Execution of functions as a tecnical client for engineering, structures, reconstruction, restoration and capital repair of buildings and other constructions. Engineering services for foreign missions and Russian companies.
Technical exploitation of real estate objects of GlavUpDK under MFA of Russia.Management of real estate objects, providing of utility services for the clients, management of repair-construction works at the real estate objects, supervision for the compliance with regulations and rules of fire safety at the objects, prevention and control of accidents, management of providing of telecommunication services for lessee.
Protocol and public relations issues.Management of visits to the Head of the Main Administration and his deputies the Heads of the diplomatic and other foreign representatives, security of external relations of GlavUpDK under MFA of Russia, agreement of protocol issues of participation of the management and employees at protocol events, managed by the diplomatic representatives, organizations and hosting of events for the diplomatic corps and other category of clients.
+7 (495) 637-38-69
Law enforcement in the activities of GlavUpDK under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia; the use of legal measures to improve economic performance of GlavUpDK under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia; protection of the rights and legitimate interests of GlavUpDK under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia.
Organizing advanced planning of GlavUpDK activities. The formation, coordination and control over the Development Strategy, programs, plans and budgets of GlavUpDK, its business subdivisions and branches. Methodological support to and management accounting of GlavUpDK financial and business operations.
Maintaining accounting and fiscal records of GlavUpDK with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. Maintaining accounting of settlements with lessees. Preparation of accounting and tax records. Analysis or production and commercial operations using accounting tools.
Staff records management. Staff recruitment. Ensuring effective operation of the personnel professional training, retraining, skills upgrading and education program. Issuing copies of documents and registrar’s certificates upon the applications of employees and appeals of citizens. Management of the work for the prevention of corrupt practices and other offenses in GlavUpDK under the MFA of Russia and its affiliated organizations.
Elaboration and implementation of the information and advertising policy of GlavUpDK under the MFA of Russia and the corporate information policy. Brand promotion amongst target groups. Maintenance and bolstering of the competitive edge of GlavUpDK under the MFA of Russia by areas of activity amid the existent market conditions and by means of modern information technologies and communications.
Technical support and development of information systems of GlavUpDK under MFA of Russia. Development, obtaining and supporting of software and hardware for the automation of business-processes of GlavUpDK, management and control for LAN of GlavUpDK and channels of data transfer for the different systems of GlavUpDK, purchasing of hardware, software, spare parts and supports.
+7 (495) 770-35-08
Management, hosting and supporting of the protocol events. Realization of goods and services of general purpose.Facilities administration of GlavUpDK. Management of protocol events, ceremonial and corporate events, official buffets, banquets and lunches. Design, furnishing, decoration of offices and apartments. Realization of goods and services of general purpose (ice-melting chemical, containers for domestic solid waste collecting, packaging material and variable household inventory).
Information – documentation support of the activity of GlavUpDK under MFA of Russia. Acceptance and registration of correspondence at the address: 20, Prechistenka str.
+7 (495) 637-27-48
+7 (495) 637-35-73
Architectural, administration-public, business, residential, technical engineering, restoration, consulting, business with cultural heritage objects. Designing of preliminary projects, architectural- town planning conceptions, consulting of the foreign architects regarding the adaptation of the projects and procedure of approval at the specialized authorities, functions of technical customer for the obtaining of GPZU, forming of plan-restoration order at the cultural heritage objects.
Organization of procurement activities.
Organization of work to ensure that employees of GlavUpDK at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia and its branches comply with labor protection requirements.
Comfortable halls for management and hosting of diplomatic receptions, ceremonial and corporate events, conferences, exhibitions and etc. Management and hosting of diplomatic receptions, ceremonial and corporate events, concerts, conferences, seminars, presentations, fairs and exhibitions. Providing of banquet halls (premises) of the Cultural center for renting for the hosting of events.
Management of classes of hobbies and studios at the Ballet hall of the Cultural center.
Complex of HR services for the diplomatic corps, international and Russian organizations, representatives of the foreign Mass Media. Visa support for the foreign citizens. Complex HR and accounting services, taxation consulting, preparing of accounting and taxation reports. Research of highly qualified specialists and service personnel of any professions. Out staffing. Financial services – salary accounting and other personal income, taxation accounting, the taxation object of which is personal income and so on. HR documenting and military registration. Preparation and registration of the representatives. Visa support of the foreign citizens. Legal consultations concerning the utilization of labor and taxation legislation.
Multi-specialty diagnostic and treatment complex, provided wide range of medical services for the representatives of diplomatic corps and Russian citizens. Medical institution, equipped with contemporary equipment and possessed the hospital, has provided the services for over 70 years. The Employees are highly qualified doctors, many of which have scientific degree of medical doctors and candidates of medical science, and also the work experience at leading foreign and national clinics and research institutes.
One of the best golf-clubs of Russia with developed infrastructure at the nearest Moscow area.Elite country golf-club, being among 50 best golf-clubs of the world, with five stars hotels complex, long-term rent of the cozy cottages, and also the field of international class for 18 holes.
Comfortable family, corporate and personal leisure time at the atmosphere of the traditional Russian hospitality.Comfortable hotel leisure complex for the whole family, cozy hotels of the variety of architectural styles, restaurants and bars, wide range of sport and recreation services, hunting and fishing, management of tourist water activity, hosting of the business meetings, corporate and protocol events. Unique native locations at the confluence of rivers Volga and Sosha. It is the perfect place for leisure, entertainment and work all year.
+7 (495) 982-52-70
+7 (495) 982-52-80