GlavUpDK under the MFA of Russia is a commercial organization, being under the command of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. The founders of the company are the Government of the Russian Federation, Federal Agency for State Property Management and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.
The primary business activity of the organization is all-round provision and service for diplomatic and other foreign representations in Moscow. However, obtained for a secular period of work experience and higher professionalism of the employees allow GlavUpDK to extend the scope of their business and offer wide range of the services to Russian and foreign public and commercial organizations.
GlavUpDK provides renting services of residential premises and offices, provides highly qualified medical services, hosting of business and entertainment events, provides accounting, HR services and transportation services. Under our supervision also there are leisure complexes, which offer guests a wide variety of accommodation, outdoor activities and total recreation.
Now the services of the GlavUpDK as often called ‘ministry of hospitality’ are used by over 180 embassies and representatives of international organizations, over 100 correspondent offices of Mass Media and over 2000 Russian and foreign companies.
Full official name of the organization in Russian:
Федеральное государственное унитарное предприятие «Главное производственно-коммерческое управление по обслуживанию дипломатического корпуса при Министерстве иностранных дел Российской Федерации».
Official name in English:
Main Administration for Service to the Diplomatic Corps (GlavUpDK).
Quality management system of GlavUpDK in July 2022 have been conducted the procedure of recertification in the international certification body Certification Limited and have been recognized as complying with the international standard of ISO 9001:2015.
Certificate ISO 9001:2015 № 160236, dated 26.07.2022 confirms, that GlavUpDK:
- Satisfies the requirements of the quality management system, specified by the international standards;
- Guarantees the high level of the service providing;
- Initiate the growth of clients confidence.
Certificates ISO 9001:2015